
Section I: Usage notes

  1. This ruleset is designed for use in Minecraft 1.8.x with the AutoReferee plugin. An explanation of what the plugin does in a match can be found here.
  2. The following rules are intended to serve as a comprehensive replacement for the rules provided by any tournament map. Any map-specific rules used for matches of this tournament must be specifically sanctioned by the organizers of the tournament.

Section II: Match Rules

No player shall, during any official match they participate in, be permitted to:

  1. Teleport into or out of an area, access to which is restricted (from where the player is teleporting from) by unbreakable blocks[1], using either:
    1. an enderpearl that travels through the void lane, or
    2. a bed or rideable entity, (except when the destination can be seen by the player without looking through the void lane or a barrier block).
  2. Respawn at a location separated from the player’s bed by unbreakable blocks
  3. Cause any part of any entity to occupy the same location as an unbreakable block.
    1. Exception: A player enters an unbreakable block by throwing an enderpearl from below that block, and takes no actions before falling out of the block.
  4. Use a TNT minecart on a rail to destroy anything through an unbreakable block.
  5. Cause any air block in the void lane or unbreakable block to be removed or replaced with any other block, except:
    1. by a command block,
    2. where a tree or mushroom grows into air blocks in the void
  6. Pick up an item entity (directly into the inventory of either the player or a hopper minecart) across an unbreakable block.
  7. Open a minecart inventory if its collision box is not in the player’s line of sight.
  8. Leave their lane (clientside or serverside) and perform any action other than killing their character in the void. A player is considered to have left their lane if their coordinates could not be reached when standing on a block in the lane and sneaking.
  9. Dye any sheep or block of wool on any map where colored wool is an objective[2].
  10. Destroy or modify an opponent’s objective inventory[3]. This is otherwise permissible if:
    1. this inventory had previously been broken by some other means, or
    2. the opposing team played a significant role in causing the destruction of the inventory.
  11. Destroy or modify their own objective inventory, if access to that inventory is restricted from where the player is by unbreakable blocks.
  12. Take any block or item from the starting platform.
  13. Enter their lane (for the first time) via an entrance other than the one that opens at match start.
  14. Perform any action primarily intended to lag the server.
  15. Logout/login as a means to gain any advantage, including avoiding PvP or other hazards. Logging out and in to address lag or fix chunk errors is permissible.
  16. Gain any information about any official tournament match they are competing in while it is in progress from any source other than:
    1. the Minecraft client they are using to participate in the match,
    2. communications over designated channels of a voice chat server approved by a referee for use in that match, or
    3. direct verbal and/or gestural communications made by any of their teammates connecting to the match from the same immediate physical area.
  17. Enter an area (clientside), that is separated from the player’s true location (serverside) by unbreakable blocks

Section III: Mods and external tools

  1. It is prohibited to use any resource pack that:
    1. increases the ratio of transparent pixels to opaque pixels, compared to the default resource pack, in the following:
      1. fully opaque textures,
      2. doors,
      3. leaves,
    2. more than doubles the amount of connected transparent regions in any door texture, compared to default
    3. changes the shape of any 1x1x1 block,
    4. makes entities with the invisibility effect more visible,
    5. uses different textures for any two different blocks or items that have the same texture in the default resource pack (eg. different mob egg block and its corresponding block, unique textures for each individual enchantment)
  2. It is prohibited to use any external tool that modifies gameplay to gain an advantage over other players, or use a Minecraft client that has been modified in any way, apart from having one or more of the following mods installed:
    1. Optifine
    2. Forge
    3. Replay Mod
    4. 1.7 Animations
    5. bspkrs Core, ArmorStatus HUD, DirectionHUD, StatusEffectHUD
    6. 5zig
    7. Clear Water
  3. The following mods/tools are explicitly prohibited:
    1. Minimaps of any kind
    2. Damage/Health Indicator
    3. Inventory Sorters
    4. Mods that expose or enlarge the name-tags of players
    5. Automatic tool selectors
    6. X-rays
    7. Auto-hitters/Autoclickers
    8. Aimbots
    9. Fly mods
    10. Smart Moving
    11. Toggle shift mods that are active while accessing inventories
  4. The following mods are permitted, provided that any features that are prohibited above are disabled:
    1. LabyMod
    2. Badlion Client
    3. Lunar client
  5. To request a mod not listed above, please contact one of the admins of our discord.

Section IV: Tie-breaking

  1. If a match reaches the time limit, then the match is ended. The time limit is 80 minutes, unless otherwise specified by a tournament organiser.
  2. When the time limit is reached, victory is awarded to the team with the highest number of capped[4] objectives.
  3. If all teams have the same number of capped objectives after 80 minutes, victory is awarded to the team that had the highest number of simultaneous capped objectives at any time during the match.
  4. If the highest number of simultaneous capped objectives is the same for all teams, victory is awarded to the first team to cap that number of objectives during that match.

Section V: General Constraints

  1. Any team scheduled to compete in any tournament match that is not present on the official tournament Minecraft and voice chat servers and ready to begin playing at that match’s scheduled starting time may, at the discretion of the referees in attendance, be considered to have forfeited that match.
  2. No match shall be considered official unless it is officiated by at least one tournament organizer-appointed referee and AutoReferee is in use on the server.
  3. All players will be expected to maintain a high level of respect for all other individuals involved in the tournament. A tournament organizer may at their discretion punish the team of any player who they determine to have treated any other tournament participant or staff member disrespectfully at any time in any context related to the tournament.

Section VI: Enforcement

If a referee can reasonably conclude that any rule was violated by a team or player, they may determine that team to have forfeited the match.

  1. In the case of particularly minor rule violations, a referee may choose to instead only warn the offending team, and take any actions that they feel are appropriate to counteract the effect of those rules being broken.
  2. In the case of particularly severe rule violations, a tournament organizer may choose to also disqualify any player(s) and/or their teammates who broke and/or conspired to break any of these rules from competing in future competitions.
  3. The organizers reserve the right to resolve any tournament-related disputes not covered by these rules in any manner they see fit, including overriding decisions made by AutoReferee if the plugin malfunctions.

Section VII: Definitions

[1] An unbreakable block is a solid block which cannot be broken by punching it in survival gamemode. This includes bedrock, end-portal frames, command blocks, and barrier blocks.

[2] An objective is a block, item or entity which is required to be capped in order to win the match.

[3] An objective inventory is an inventory that contains an objective at match start.

[4] An objective is capped if it is positioned in its victory region (defined by AutoReferee).

Thanks to RMCT for their standard ruleset, which this ruleset is based on.